Verse of the Day: “Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.””
John 6:29
After a great day at Machu Picchu, we were all very excited at the prospect of
having no real plans for today and having to option to sleep in. For Sam,
though, it was another early morning as he was to catch his plane to DC to
start college. Becca and Courtney made sure he got his taxi and said final fair
wells. He was definitely gonna be missed as we were going to be traversing
Cusco without our fluent translator and comic relief. I would have to say we
did pretty well. Cusco is a beautiful city and probably the most clean and
attractive city we have stayed. We spent late morning in the main square
hanging out with Jess and Adrienne shopping before they left for their flight.
Tejal hung out with us as well and worked on making her own travel plans for
the rest of her time in Peru. She figured out that she was gonna go to the
jungle for two days and we hope she has safe travels and a great time.
lunch we checked out a small restaurant that said they had guinea pig (cuy)
which we were excited to finally be able to try. To our disappointment, the
waiter said we had to have called 4 hours in advanced to get it. We decided to
stay and had some brick oven pizza and calzones which made our tummies really
happy. After a quick stop for ice cream on this beautiful, sunny, warm day, we
said our goodbyes to Jess and Adrienne. We got an email from them saying they
made it safely to Lima and we hope they also have safe travels back to the US.
With the departures of 4 of our fellow travelers, our group soon seemed very
small but cozy as only us SRU students were left.
The sales-ladies were relentless at trying to
convince Nate their sweaters fit him :-) |
With this being our very last full day in
Peru and this beautiful city, we ventured out once again to do some last minute
shopping. With our failed mission to eat guinea pig at lunch we set out to find
a restaurant that would allow us to try one at a descent price. This soon
became a fun game and before we knew it we had restaurants around the main
plaza vying for our business. Before we found one to eat we did some more
shopping which turned into another bargaining fiesta as we went back and forth
with vendors talking them down to the best price. This was comical when Nate
Fry wanted to buy a t-shirt and the lady was charging him more just because the
shirt was a bigger size. Mary called her out as discriminating against him
because of his size, he can't help that he is a bigger person. With all of us
pulling for Nate she came down 10 sols and we won! This happened with many
other purchases and it was a blast working together to get the best price.
Finally we decided to try for our guinea pig again and get some more food to
eat. This is where Sam would have been awesome but thankfully a nice person
nearby decided to help us after he saw we weren't getting through to the
Diggin into some Guinea Pig! Yummy!! |
We all just wanted to try it, not actually sit down at a restaurant so
this nice man was able to communicate a take-out guinea pig for us. Once we had
our pig we bought our cheap beverages on the street and ate at Paddy's Pub, the
highest 100% Irish pub in the world at an altitude of 11,165ft. The food was
cheap and hit the spot. While eating our meals we tried our guinea pig which
tasted like chicken to some and squirrel to others but the general consensus
was that it was good.
It was a great relaxing day in the city and we were all
very glad to be able to spend this last day together having a good time and
laughing about our experiences. It has been very exciting as we anticipate our
journey back to the states. Please stay tuned for the end of our journey as we
get to make some chocolate tomorrow and board our plane!
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