Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Top 41 Peruvianisms.... and a FB link to photos

In keeping with tradition, this year, with the help of a few Arcadia students, we came up with the top 41 Peruvianisms experienced on this trip... enjoy!
1.       Right is Wong, go left

2.       Stoptional signs

3.       Daddy Yankee –enough said

4.       Fernado Chicken’s

5.       Rules of the road are not rules in Peru, they are more like guidelines

6.       Peruvians are not in a hurry unless getting on or off a bus or plane

7.       Essential bus items: TP, plastic bags, wet wipes, and a good friend

8.       You can only flush the TP at the hotel

9.       When squeezing into a taxi, put your bags in the back because it makes you skinnier

10.   Llama tails point up and alpaca tails point down

11.   Maggie is the chocotejas master “Voy a llorar”

12.   Don’t start a conversation in Spanish unless you are willing to finish it in Spanish

13.   Take a chance and fly – someone will end up dead

14.   Never stick 3 white chicks and an Indian man together on a street in Peru

15.   Angela’s guide to speaking Spanish: add an “el” to the beginning and an “o” to the end of any English word and you will be speaking Spanish

16.   If you go to Peru, check out the man on Pichu Pichu, he may still be belaying

17.   Lawn chair wheelchairs are not all they appear to be

18.   A French movie, dubbed in Spanish, with English subtitles can still make you cry

19.   “Do you have a pen?” –Jodee

20.   Total curb count=6

21.   Ha Ha’s Christmas card is all set thanks to their photogenic natures and all of our cameras!

22.   Han’s had a little girlfriend that followed him around, until she met Sara and followed her around!

23.   Rabbit holes are dangerous because at the first sign of interest, the vendors will suck you in!

24.   Más pequeño wieners!

25.   If a meal doesn’t have papas, it is not complete

26.   Drinkable yogurt & fresh squeezed strawberry juice – life is good

27.   Midnight symphony in room 10

28.   If you lose your vasoline, just look in the AFO box

29.   PE, in fact, stands for Peru – not pulmonary embolism or personal equipment

30.   “Only one?...Oh yeah, he’s an amputee” (in reference to wheelchair footrests)

31.   When building a wheelchair, make sure you build it right side up

32.   You never know when a circus can turn into an igloo and then a taco

33.   Starting the day with prayer and song

34.   “ah-uno por favor”

35.   Americans think Peru changes seasons throughout the day but Peruvians will wear 3 pairs of socks regardless

36.   You will look immaculate each day if your name is Lilia

37.   No te llamas physical therapist!

38.   “Don’t ask questions, just let it happen.” –Brittany as she eats ketchup from a bowl

39.   Street performers in Peru really do perform in the street

40.   Don’t worry when you have to cross an intersection, the walking man on the street light will tell you how fast to walk to cross safely

Also, here, you can find the first album of our Peruvian pictures.  I believe they consist mostly of the clinic... enjoy!