It's been a bit sad as we approach the end of this trip. I am writing this as we travel to Miami International Airport from Lima, Peru. On Friday night week, we said good bye to the friends we've made over the last two weeks. Our pastor/project director, interpreters, fellow PTs, and support staff were wonderful people to be around. Some spoke English quite well and others spoke English much like I speak Spanish - in one/two word sentences (i.e. "Muy Bien"). The whole time I couldn't help but think, Man, I wish I knew how to speak Spanish, cuz these cats are pretty cool. I hope that this experience will spurn many of us on to learn another language. Though most of us could only muster up a few canned Spanish phrases, I would argue that those brief interactions spoke louder than the Spanish words themselves.
Throughout our two weeks on this trip, all 9 of us experienced a patient(s) that tugged at our heart strings. Thursday last week was especially hard. Not only were patients arriving with physical pain. But there were several patients came to us with a feeling abandonment by their family. I will briefly share a story about a patient named Matilde:
Matilde showed up to our clinic in a wheel barrow... Yes, you read that right, a wheel barrow (for 8 years this had been her mode of transportation). At the age of 17 (21 years prior) she began to lose the ability to move her arms and legs. She spent 2 days in a hospital recovering from being in a short coma. When she woke up from her coma the doctor's told her something like this: We don't know what is wrong with you... so, uhhh... see ya later. They discharged her without imaging or a diagnosis. Eventually, her disease became so limiting that she couldn't tolerate being upright without passing out. So she had two options, lie on her back or lie on her stomach. During the day, the shallow wheel barrow allowed her to lie on her stomach. And at night her sister moved her to the bed where she would sleep on her back. She has not sat upright in 8 years. We measured her for a wheel chair that would gradually allow her to be reintroduced to sitting upright. She will receive this wheel chair later in the year. That was physically all we could do for Matilde.
Time for healing prayer. We wanted this woman to walk. To no longer be confined to a wheel barrow. That is just inhumane. Alongside pastor Asdrubal Almador, we gathered around Matilde and her sister and prayed with her. Matilde is a follower of Christ and has leaned on him to find the strength to live everyday in such unfavorable conditions. As we prayed with Matilde for healing... nothing happened. So we kept praying. Still, nothing. Then, Asdrubal felt led by the Holy Spirit to ask, "Matilde, is there was anyone your life you need to forgive."
Again: "Matilde, is there was anyone your life you need to forgive." We were met with silence once more as Matilde starred intently at the floor in a moment of reluctance and hesitation. I could related to her in that moment, its hard to admit you are holding onto a bit of resentment.
Asdrubal asked, "Matilde would you like your sister to leave the room?"
"Yes." Matilde nodded. She began to tear up and told us how her 6 other brothers and sisters abandoned her. Her 2 daughters abandoned her. Her brother-in-law had treated her poorly and hurt her in a way that she didn't disclose to us. She held the most resentment towards him. Asdrubal asked if she wanted to extend forgiveness and receive forgiveness all at the same time. As she did both, she described feeling a heavy burden being lifted from her. She was free. God wanted to heal Matilde that day; however, in a way we didn't see coming. This was a reminder to all of us that God, is so much more concerned with our heart. Yes, he performs physical miracles. But Jesus died and now lives in us for this very reason - he is after our hearts. Our basic need is to know the love of our Father. To know who and whose we are. Isaiah 43:1, "Do not fear... For I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name. You are mine." Only when we recognize this truth, might we have the foundation to experience physical healing.
Do you need healing today? Is your soul downcast? Do you have an illness that won't go away? Do you have circumstances that seem oppressive? Look to Jesus. He is he one who forgave the paralyzed man's sins and then healed him. 2000 years later, Jesus can do the same for you and me. He is the one who is lifting Matilde's burden so she can be free. Will you let him carry your burden?
The Peru Crew
P.S. If you feel led, prayers for Matilde and others like her who came to our clinic are ecouraged. Also, stay tuned for more on our trip to Machu Picchu and a wrap up of our trip.
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