We decided to compile a Top 25 List of things we’ve all
learned during our time here in Peru.
Enjoy :-)
Crossing a 4 lane highway by force |
25. A beeping car horn = a warning that a car is coming and not
stopping. This is how people got through intersections.
24. Painted lines on the street mean nothing…they’ll make 5
lanes of traffic on a 2 lane street
23. Do not kill a vacuῆa…or you’ll end up in jail for
3 years
22. Shepherds do not appreciate it when you chase their herd
of Alpaca/Llamas…but if you should find yourself doing such a thing, just pay 2
soles :-)
21. Showers are inconsistent…hot water is a privilege
20. Power outages can happen while you are in the
shower. Also, many showers are electric
so it is possible to get a lil zap if you touch the shower head.
19. Blame anything & everything on the altitude.

18. When it is your birthday, you take a bite out of the
cake instead of blowing out the candles
17. Signaling a patient to come to you with just your index
finger is suggestive…don’t do it.
Instead use your whole hand to motion.
16. We can’t survive without Sam.
Mastering the Market |
15. We’ve mastered bargaining with sales ladies.
14. There is not a lot of meat on a guinea pig.
13. Chachacoma is gross…don’t eat it. It is a leaf commonly eaten to treat diarrhea
or upset stomach but we are convinced it gives you one.
12. When Becca is motion sick, know the difference between Dramamine
and Imodium when trying to help her…ahem Nate Blakeley ;-)

11. Missy DOES know the difference between 180° & 360°
10. Mosquito bites…American bug spray doesn’t work on
Peruvian bugs
9. Don’t take pictures of traditionally dressed locals or
they will charge you a sol…unless you are Becca and can snap a picture without
looking through the lens.
8. Chris Brown officially made friends with every stray dog
he saw…he even brought one into a restaurant
7. Make sure you go to the right airport when trying to
venture to Peru
6. Don’t let Courtney go shopping alone…she’ll buy it ALL!
Alpaca Steak |
5. Chicha is disgusting.
It is a purple corn syrup drink common here in Peru.
4. Do not throw your toilet paper in the toilet, it goes in
the waste basket.
3. When ziplining in Peru, waivers are not necessary &
beanies count as helmets.
2. Alpaca is yummy :)
1. Serving the under-privileged in Peru is a very
rewarding experience!!
And P.S.-If you are ever wondering, the #1 words to teach
Peruvians are “crop dusting” & “badonk-a-donk”